Friday, November 20, 2009

New additions

On Saturday the 14th my friend Loyd from TX and I drove north of here just a few miles away in the 40mph winds to pick up my new Americauna pullet chicks. Americaunas are the chickens that lay the blue green eggs. These chicks are now about five weeks old. They spent three days down in the basement under a heat lamp during our last storm. I can't describe the smell ... they had to go! Loyd was nice enough to help me get an old cage covered in cardboard for insulation and get it set up in the chicken coop. As of today the dozen chicks are doing great. Unfortunately they seem to all be of the same color blend. I was kind of hoping to add additional colors to the big flock.

I think that maybe the chicks will be the same color tones as little Henny Penny that I purchased a little while back.

1 comment:

  1. Once all your flock get will need to invest in an incubator and hatch your own chicks!
