Friday, December 4, 2009

Another chilly start

So yesterday was "cool" today is just down right COLD!

Wandering Bear Farm Weather Station

-10F Wind Chill
3 mph Winds
5 mph Wind Gusts
15% Humidity

It's hard to describe the bitterness of the cold here. It seems the high plains desert is void of moisture in the air on any day. But days like today it seems like moisture gets sucked from your nose, lips, throat, and skin when you step out. It's so dry that the little dusting of snow we had on the ground disappeared overnight. I know it didn't melt into the ground, it's just too cold to do that. It just evaporates. The sky is crystal clear and I can see for miles and miles from my little attic window looking out on the world. I am totally against admitting it but I am afraid Winter has it's grip on us now .... ARRRRRG!!!!!!!

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