Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New chicks

The Monday after Thanksgiving day started out as a bright sunny morning. The temperature climbed quickly from 28 or so and eventually hit 54 that day. I was up pretty early, got the morning chores done, and decided to hit the livestock sale. I figured it might be fun as a change of pace since I hadn't been there in awhile. There wasn't a big choice of chickens up for sale that day. In fact roosters were selling for as low as fifty cents a head! I have a few I'd like to get rid of but not at that price! I came across a cage with three pullets (I hope) and got them for $1.00. I was told by the seller that they are a Silkie cross and are six weeks old. I am questioning the breed cross because the birds do not have the typical Silkie plumage. And even some experienced birders at the sale didn't think they were. The owner had many breeds in her flock so it's just a guessing game at this point. Being of similar age I decided to let them join my Americauna chicks I got a couple weeks back since they are about the same age. You can hardly tell the difference in the two breeds. The new chicks have black necks and speckles on their breasts.

The Silkie cross is the taller bird to the left and an Americauna chick is to the right.

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