Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just 14 hours

Late yesterday afternoon far in the distance the I could see the silhouettes of the Twin Sisters . The "Sisters" are due west of Pueblo to the southwest of here and are part of the magnificent Sangre de Christo Mountain chain.

This is what I woke up to this morning ... 14hours after I took the picture of the mountains last night.
Temp 31F
Wind Chill 15F
Winds 37mph
Gusts 44mph

The house has been hammered by high winds since I went to bed last night. I barely slept. The house vibrates so much that it was shaking my bed and my computer monitor is shaking as I type now.

The barn pets are all snug. I closed them up late last night. I just checked them and it was about 38F in the barn where the goats are. The chicken coop was at 44F. They make lots of heat.

This weekend they say it will be back up in the 60's! Geez, I can't wait! LOL!

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