Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Longhorns

The first time I drove past these beautiful beasts a few weeks back I about went off the road gawking at them. I was in awe of the size and the beauty ... and of course at the size of some of the horns they are sporting. I have passed by many times and traffic was too heavy or the cattle just weren't in the mood to cooperate for the photo shoot! This past Saturday I guess they felt obliged or were tired of me stopping. There is another herd not too far away that I'd seen before but those don't have nearly the beautiful hides that these cattle do. I took a ton of photos of these guys in hopes that this winter when snow drifts over my back door I can try my hand at acrylic paints. These pics aren't great and I still have not learned how to edit junk out. So do a little squinting and maybe the house or a telephone pole in the background will disappear!

1 comment:

  1. Beautful pictures and animals, Barry. Now it really looks like you live in the West. Meanwhile I am working hard(not) to get Tim and Pauline moved here in Florida.
